
Showing posts from August, 2017

Death Guard - Part IV - Dark Imperium

So it's been a few months since I last posted. In that time we've seen the release of Warhammer 40k 8th edtion, and more importantly the release of the fantastic Dark Imperium starter set. After doing swaps with a couple of friends I have manage to amass three sets of the Death Guard miniatures and recently got around to building, basing and base-coating all of the marines, drones and characters, along with my converted terminators. All of the models have been base-coated with GW's Death Guard green spray. The bases I'll be painting separately, hence everything's stuck on with blu-tack for the time being. Death Guard characters (from left - Malignant Plaguecaster, Lord of Contagion, Chaos Lord, Noxious Blightbringer) Foetid Bloat-Drones  x3 Death Guard Terminators (Converted) 1st Plague Marine Squad, with two blight-launchers and power fist & plasma gun on the champion. Some of you may have noticed that in addition to some of my mari