Death Guard - Part IV - Dark Imperium

So it's been a few months since I last posted. In that time we've seen the release of Warhammer 40k 8th edtion, and more importantly the release of the fantastic Dark Imperium starter set.

After doing swaps with a couple of friends I have manage to amass three sets of the Death Guard miniatures and recently got around to building, basing and base-coating all of the marines, drones and characters, along with my converted terminators. All of the models have been base-coated with GW's Death Guard green spray.

The bases I'll be painting separately, hence everything's stuck on with blu-tack for the time being.

Death Guard characters (from left - Malignant Plaguecaster, Lord of Contagion, Chaos Lord, Noxious Blightbringer)
Foetid Bloat-Drones  x3
Death Guard Terminators (Converted)
1st Plague Marine Squad, with two blight-launchers and power fist & plasma gun on the champion.

Some of you may have noticed that in addition to some of my marines being converted slightly (mixing components around mostly), some of my marines are also armed with blight-launchers which are not included in the Dark Imperium box. I've built those using 'Frag Launchers' produced by the ever reliable Anvil Industry along with the Heavy Bolter handles and arms from the plastic Horus Heresy MkIII Marines.

2nd Plague Marine Squad, again with two blight-launchers and power fist & plasma gun on the champion.
3rd Plague Marine Squad, with two plasma guns and power fist & plasma gun on the champion.

Lastly, in the photo below I have included a few of the plague marines that I've converted / swapped components on. I did this to basically inject some variety to my squads given that the Dark Imperium models have limited poses and are not a traditional multi-part kit in the strictest sense.

Right, that's about it for the time being, I'm off to build, base and base-coat 60 Pox Walkers...  ðŸ˜¢


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