Death Guard - Part VI - WIP Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought & Predators.

Hey folks, long time since my last update but I haven't been entirely idle. Right now I'm about 95% done building my new Forge World Leviathan Dreadnought, and I'm also just about finished with a pair of Predators, with some minor detailing to do before I paint.
Here's the Leviathan:
Death Guard Leviathan
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought
As you can see I've gone for a butcher cannon array and grav-flux bombard, though everything is magnetized so I can swap arms around. At time of posting I need to blend the spikes in a bit better (probably using liquid green stuff) and I also need to add a converted head. For the head I'll probably try and make something a little like Typhus - with the slit visor and horn coming out of the centre.

As for the two Predators, I wanted to do something a little different. I had the kernel of an idea when I saw complete sets of metal parts on Ebay for the old metal & plastic Predator Destructor, sometimes known as the Mkiiic pattern.

After purchasing these, I knew that trying to use these on their original old Rhino chassis would look far too small alongside the now monstrous plague marines. I decided to mate the turret and sponsons to the current Rhino hull:
Front View

As you can see I used plasticard to blank off the sides in order to mount the sponsons. The front plate is plasticard with the two armoured plates made from foamed PVC board. Rivets were obtained from the ever-useful Zinge Industries
The spiked tracks and the mine plows are from Blood and Skulls Industry on Ebay. Well worth a look for all sorts of vehicle conversion parts.


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