
Showing posts from September, 2017

Death Guard - Part V - Chaos Decimators

Hey folks, time for another update. I recently finished kit-bashing two Chaos Decimators for the Death Guard. I've been wanting to include a couple of these since the release of Forge World's Imperial Armour - Index: Forces of Chaos. That being said I am not a HUGE fan of the Forge World model, but more importantly I also wanted something more in keeping with the aesthetic of the new Death Guard releases. So, with that in mind I have converted these using the Foetid Bloat Drone for the torso and have mounted that on top of the leg assembly of the Adeptus Mechanicus Onager Dunecrawler. Front View I also took the step of trimming away the existing tentacles that were hanging from the front and added some of my own using green stuff and / or poseable wrapped wire from Zinge Industries . Further parts from the Dunecrawler (power pack etc) were added for decoration. The weapon arms are made from the seismic hammer arms from Ironclad Dreadnoughts with the shoulder